Insurance that adapts to your business
Lets Talk
Embedded API
You can manage relevant information right on your dashboard by embedding our API into your app or platform
Customized Landing Pages
Make enrollment seamless with our customized landing pages so your employees can sign up hassle free
Adaptable coverage
Cover your workers for occupational accidental insurance, workers compensation or general liability only when they’re on the job. Cover them by the hour, by the day or by the gig.
Flexibility on Demand
Scale up or scale down as you need it by adjusting your coverage directly within your own application.
Here for the whole gig economy
At GigEasy, we serve a wide variety of gig workers across industries and professions. No matter what type of work you do, we're here to help protect you and your business with comprehensive insurance solutions.
Construction workers
General laborers, Carpenters, Electricians and many more.
Rideshare, Last mile food and parcel, Truckers and many more.
Doctors, Nurses, Physician assistants, Therapists, assistants and many more.
On-Demand Workers
Freelancers, Consultants, Tutors and many more.
Get yourself and your business protected now.
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